Heritage Preservation Staff
Grants Office staff, General Contact, 651-259-3497, grants@mnhs.org
The Grants Office manages three grant programs, the Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants (Legacy Grants), Heritage Partnership Program, and State Capital Projects Grants-in-Aid available to provide support for organizations and agencies for historical research, historic preservation, and projects to preserve and interpret Minnesota's history.
Local History Services staff, General Contact, 651-259-3492, localhistory@mnhs.org
Since 1916 Local History Services has been here to help Minnesota's local history organizations build their capacity. They're here to help your local history organization and look forward to working with you.
John Beaty, Design Reviewer, 651-259-3458, john.beaty@mnhs.org
Programs: Grants, Historic Preservation, Historic Partnerships
John provides technical assistance, project review, and recommendations to the Grants Office staff in the administration and monitoring of grant-assisted work on historic buildings and properties, including those funded through the Historical Cultural Heritage Grants Program funded by the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. He also tries to make the technical languages of Preservation and Architecture / Engineering / Construction available to everyone. He wants to teach people about best practices for maintaining properties that also happen to be good Preservation. John likes to think of himself as an old buildings nerd, and has extensive experience with historic masonry, plaster, and other materials related to the trowel trades.
Go to for:
- technical advice on historic properties
- technical advice on applying for grants for historic preservation
- questions about historic preservation terms and guidelines
John Fulton, Grants Specialist, 651-259-3467, john.fulton@mnhs.org
Programs: Grant Programs
John administers MNHS grant programs designed to help Minnesotans preserve history. He provides advice on how to prepare a strong proposal, helps applicants understand how to access the online grant system and reviews grant applications. BTW: John is especially interested in working with applicants who are proposing film and publication projects.
Go to for:
- assistance with the grant application process and accessing the grant portal
- technical advice on applying for grants for archives, library, research, publication, and film
Joseph Hoover, Program Associate, 651-259-3461, joe.hoover@mnhs.org
Programs: Local History Services, Grants
Joe helps Minnesota’s local history organizations reach new audiences and manage their historical information. He teaches them how to use digital technology, including websites, social media, and computer software/hardware, to better preserve and share their history. BTW: Joe edits the popular e-newsletter Local History News. It is the preeminent source of information about the preservation of Minnesota’s history and heritage at the local level.
Go to for:
- submissions to Local History News weekly e-newsletter
- using technology to preserve and share history
- digitization projects
- museum security and security systems
- museum marketing
Melinda Hutchinson, Grants Specialist, 651-259-3459, melinda.hutchinson@mnhs.org
Programs: Grant Programs
Melinda administers grants for the Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants program. She works with 501(c)(3) nonprofits, local governments, educational institutions and tribal organizations across the state to ensure that their grant proposals are competitive and their projects become lasting legacies for the people of Minnesota. BTW: Melinda enjoys being an advocate for history.
Go to for:
- answers to your questions about our grant programs
- technical advice on applying for grants for museum collections, conservation, and oral history
Ryan Maciej, Design Reviewer, 651-259-3463, ryan.maciej@mnhs.org
Programs: Grants, Historic Preservation, Historic Partnerships
Ryan provides technical assistance, project review, and recommendations to the Grants Office staff in the administration and monitoring of grant-assisted work on historic buildings and properties, including those funded through the Historical Cultural Heritage Grants Program funded by the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. He also works to educate interested people about historic preservation guidelines and best practices.
Go to for:
- technical advice on applying for grants for historic preservation
- questions about historic preservation terms and guidelines
Todd Mahon, State History Services Manager, 651-259-3492, todd.mahon@mnhs.org
Programs: Local History Services, Grants, Markers & Monuments, History Partnerships
Todd helps individuals and organizations who are seeking, saving and sharing Minnesota history expand their capacity to achieve their missions. He works with statewide and local organizations that are focused on preserving local history and supporting the overall development of Minnesota's history community. BTW: Todd has an impressive understanding of collections management, museum practices and historical interpretation. As a former county historical society director, he has a keen insight into the management and organizational development of history enterprises.
Go to for:
- assistance with your local history organization
- technical advice on applying for grants for museum administration, museum environments, and interpretation
Carolyn Veeser-Egbide, Grants Manager, 651-259-3469, carolyn.veeser-egbide@mnhs.org
Programs: Grant Programs
Carolyn leads the Heritage Preservation Grants Office. She works with governmental and educational institutions, special interest history organizations, review committees, MNHS staff, and members of the public who are seeking funding to preserve their history. BTW: Carolyn is a lifelong Minnesotan and proud of it!
Go to for:
- information about grants administration, grant requirements, and the grantmaking process
Gillian Maguire, Grants Specialist, 651-259-3460, gillian.maguire@mnhs.org
Programs: All Grant Programs
Gillian supports the full range of Heritage Preservation Department programs, working closely with MNHS staff, applicants, and grantees to process, expedite and monitor grants from initial application to close-out. BTW: Gillian has a background in American material culture and is passionate about the preservation and accessibility of historic collections.
Go to for:
- assistance with the grant application process
- clarity on grant submittal requirements for milestones, conditions and final reports
- general information about the Heritage Preservation department
Megan Brakob Narvey, Conservation Outreach Specialist, 651-259-3468, Megan.BrakobNarvey@mnhs.org
Programs: Local History Services, Grants
Megan helps individuals and organizations who have questions about preserving anything from a family heirloom to an entire collection. She works to help organizations follow best practices and standards in conservation and collections care. BTW: Megan loves helping others care for keepsakes and collections, and could talk about glue for hours.
Go to for:
- HVAC Lighting
- Mechanical Systems
- Collections Storage
- Objects Conservation
If you need assistance learning about Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits, Burial Sites Preservation, Archaeological Sites Protection please go to the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office website.